
My grandson has been diagnosed as “autistic”.  He’s really more Sensory Processing Disorder with “autistic traits” and severe ADHD.  But if I try to tell people that all I get is “huh?”.  But if I say he’s “autistic”, then they get it.  Turns out all four of my grandkids have some autistic traits.  His are just way more pronounced to the point that they interfere with his day to day functioning.  I have my own problems with chronic illnesses which limit my functionality.  On top of that, I’m having to raise four grandchildren, one of which is extremely challenging.  So challenging that, without his medication, there is no way I could handle him.  So I’m learning about how to handle his challenges. One thing I have learned is that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and artificial dyes excite his brain.  This means that, medicine or no medicine, when he has HFCS or dyes his ADHD increases as do his SPD and his autism.  I have two other related blogs, one is for autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses AutoImmune R US and another who’s focus is on food without the HFCS and dyes.  We Got The Goodies    Follow my journey as I learn more about my wonderful kid and everything I can find out about his conditions.