Special Education Laws and Educational Rights

educational rights 2 I was going to write two posts. One regarding IEP’s and one regarding 504 Plans.  I intend to discuss what they are, how they differ and what your rights are.

In order to ensure I am not giving out any misinformation, I started to research them.  Wow!  There is a lot of information.  It will take some time to wade through it all.

So, next week I will give a broad overview of a 504 Plan and the week after, a broad overview of the IEP.

However, that is not all.  I will continue to delve deeper into these important issues and update with more relevant information as I learn it.

So, hold tight, we are in for a ride as I take you from stressed out and frustrated to knowledgeable and empowered.

wild ride

Remember: Educate yourself. Know your rights. Hold others accountable.

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